Our Program

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Programs at Asosiasi Game Indonesia (AGI) are designed to drive the growth and success of Indonesia's gaming industry. We focus on creating business opportunities and enhancing the skills of game developers through upskilling and talent development initiatives. Additionally, AGI plays a vital role in advocacy, serving as a bridge between the industry and the government to address key issues and shape policies that support a thriving gaming ecosystem.


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Unlocking opportunities to enhance business value and growth for industry players


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Upskilling and nurturing game developer talent to compete on a global scale


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Bridging and nurturing game developer talent to compete on a global scale

Program (Re)Kreasi kolaborasi Kemenekraf dan Artotel Group menghadirkan Game Lokal di Hotel Artotel di Indonesia

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Kementerian Ekonomi Kreatif/Badan Ekonomi Kreatif (Kemenekraf/Bekraf) bekerja sama dengan Artotel Indonesia melalui penandatanganan Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) untuk mempromosikan gim lokal Indonesia selama musim liburan Natal 2024 dan Tahun Baru 2025.

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Kolaborasi Kemenekraf dan InJourney Airport Menghadirkan Konten Video Game Lokal di Game Corner Soekarno-Hatta

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Wakil Menteri Ekonomi Kreatif/Wakil Kepala Badan Ekonomi Kreatif (Wamenekraf/Wakabekraf), Irene Umar, meresmikan Game Corners di Terminal 3 Bandara Soekarno-Hatta, Tangerang, Banten.

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Bersama Google, AGI Siap Gelar Indie Game Night

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Perkembangan industri game Indonesia sangat pesat. Hal ini ditunjukkan dari banyaknya talenta-talenta tersembunyi yang bisa diakselerasi agar bisa memproduksi produk berkualitas tinggi.

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Our Mission

To foster a thriving and inclusive gaming ecosystem in Indonesia, uniting game developers, enthusiasts, and industry stakeholders, while promoting creativity, innovation, and social-business impact.

Our Vision

Accelerating the Growth of the Indonesian Video Game Industry

Shafiq Husein Photo

To foster a thriving and inclusive gaming ecosystem in Indonesia, uniting game developers, enthusiasts, and industry stakeholders, while promoting creativity, innovation, and social-business impact.

Shafiq Husein

AGI President


Game Dev Jakarta Meet Up

To foster a thriving and inclusive gaming ecosystem in Indonesia, uniting game developers, enthusiasts, and industry stakeholders, while promoting creativity, innovation, and social-business impact.

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